Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wk3 Reading - Here and Now

I particularly like the phrase about being present to the way things are is not the same as accepting things as they are. For me I have a difficult time accepting things in the here and now. Being accepting of working with what you have right now as opposed to wishing things were the way they use to be is a pitfall I find myself in. Particularly at this time of my career when educationally speaking programs of student involvement are rather low. I thought having created a program of high standards and quality performance should be enough for the general population. But society today deals a different deck of cards and I must learn to deal with what I have in my presence. I must deal with what is in front of me and focus on the here and now.

I need to allow my students to learn from their mistakes. To build upon a foundation. Being with the way things are forces us to distinguish between feelings, fact, and assumptions. I believe this is a problem are for me in my personal life and I really want to strive to be more in the moment, rather than living in the past. I don't feel it is wrong to dream and look to the future with plans for growth, but I do believe that I personally must be more aware of my immediate circumstances and work more in the here and now.

I want to direct my thoughts and attention to what things are good and not dwell on the negative. I want to be more effective with my circumstances. I want to be able to direct my focus more towards what they are and not what they should be. I want to focus my attention more on the good of here and now, not the problems that can grow.

I believe that I had, and still have, a passion for what I do, but, I want that passion to reignite. Allow myself to explode with enthusiasm and zest for what I love in order to portray it to my students.

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