Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wk 3-Reading Comment-Patricia Duresky-EDM 613-MAC
This week our chapter reading in the "The Art of Possibilities" covers Chap.7, The Way Things Are; Chap.8, Giving Way To Passion: and Chap.9, Lighting A Spark.
In the discussion of "Abstractions", in Ch. 7 's "The way things are"- I found it significant and worth remembering, that we unwittingly treat certain concepts as a physical reality. This blocks us from seeing the way things really are and reduces our power to accomplish what we say we want. The clip from "Babe" was an example of being present with resistance. It's not giving up ( the cow), nor is it throwing yourself against a wall trying to get out ( the duck). It is simply allowing yourself your feelings about the situation and being fully present. We need to be objective about our tendencies to try to escape, excuse ourselves through denial and throw blame around.To be able to suspend a quick judgement until we can really see the facts of the situation. To see the way things are allows us to experience the situation without being over emotional.
In Chap. 8- Giving Way to Passion, is a title in which I immediately felt an affinity-being an artist, I can't imagine doing what I do , teaching what I teach ( the visual arts) without the drive of passion. As a Mother-there was nothing more important than for my three children to find something they love to do and make it their career, which all three did. One is a professional photographer, one's a chef and the other became a mechanic. I believe with all my heart-what I do is not just my occupation , it is my ministry- what I was created to do. There can be nothing more satisfying than waking each morning knowing you are doing in life -what you were created to do. I have found my destiny and as a teacher -hope to help my students find theirs.
Lastly -Chap.9 "lighting a Spark". Can you imagine someone who lives passionately, loving what they do not creating ripples or producing a creative spark? Passion ignites the soul and when mind , will and emotion work in perfect harmony, that passion is evident to all that surround you. Like Zander and his wife- the romance you have with your life, becomes attractive and draws people to what you love to do. When that spark or fire is carried with you and ignites everything around you- passion becomes a contagious element-spreading like wildfire. It's glorious to live within that fire.
In the discussion of "Abstractions", in Ch. 7 's "The way things are"- I found it significant and worth remembering, that we unwittingly treat certain concepts as a physical reality. This blocks us from seeing the way things really are and reduces our power to accomplish what we say we want. The clip from "Babe" was an example of being present with resistance. It's not giving up ( the cow), nor is it throwing yourself against a wall trying to get out ( the duck). It is simply allowing yourself your feelings about the situation and being fully present. We need to be objective about our tendencies to try to escape, excuse ourselves through denial and throw blame around.To be able to suspend a quick judgement until we can really see the facts of the situation. To see the way things are allows us to experience the situation without being over emotional.
In Chap. 8- Giving Way to Passion, is a title in which I immediately felt an affinity-being an artist, I can't imagine doing what I do , teaching what I teach ( the visual arts) without the drive of passion. As a Mother-there was nothing more important than for my three children to find something they love to do and make it their career, which all three did. One is a professional photographer, one's a chef and the other became a mechanic. I believe with all my heart-what I do is not just my occupation , it is my ministry- what I was created to do. There can be nothing more satisfying than waking each morning knowing you are doing in life -what you were created to do. I have found my destiny and as a teacher -hope to help my students find theirs.
Lastly -Chap.9 "lighting a Spark". Can you imagine someone who lives passionately, loving what they do not creating ripples or producing a creative spark? Passion ignites the soul and when mind , will and emotion work in perfect harmony, that passion is evident to all that surround you. Like Zander and his wife- the romance you have with your life, becomes attractive and draws people to what you love to do. When that spark or fire is carried with you and ignites everything around you- passion becomes a contagious element-spreading like wildfire. It's glorious to live within that fire.
I love the way you put into words so eloquently what I feel so deeply. I agree that what I do is a calling. It is not what I intended to do with my life, or even where I intended to be in my life - but it is what I have been called to do. I believe in lighting a spark. I want to share my passion with my students every day. I want to ignite in them a passion for what they believe in and want to do. I want them to understand and grow into their own passions that will ignite their souls and minds. Thank you for such a powerful posting.