Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wk 4 - Publishing Project Thoughts

I think I have decided upon publishing as my project submission. In reviewing my notes and web site recently I began to put thoughts together. What I came up with was a rather nice piece of writing (I think) that could be helpful to fellow music educators. As educators we are always looking for new and inviting ways to teach. When information is posted in one of our journals, the quick reading articles tend to help with decision making. Often we are so enveloped in our work that time demands are limiting for research and the submission of informative articles of things that work or don’t work help to shed light on factors that affect our decisions. I plan to submit to The Music Educators Journal, MENC, and the Music Technology Journal for consideration of my project.

1 comment:

  1. Steve,
    It is good to see someone so confident at this stage in our journey for our Masters. I looked at your Publishing project, the journals that you submitted to would be a fool not to publish your findings. Good luck with your final presentation.
