Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wk 4- Response #2

    • What has stood before me for my dream job is a misconception of my perspective of living and acting under authority. This concept was taught to me about 20 years ago, and I now see that it is a barrier. The perspective that we are all leaders and teachers and contributors is much more the WE story, proposed by the Zanders. I look forward to the coming months as I practice developing the WE story for my dream job.

      • I’m with you Deborah. It is difficult to break out of the old ways. Zander speaks so eloquently and offers so much insight into accepting our existence around us. I thought that many of his comments and ideas are so worthwhile pursuing. Especially as someone who has been in the same routine and guidelines for many years. I would like to think that through more self exploration and soul searching I may be able to be more open and aware of making mine, and others, worlds more accepting.

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