Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wk 4 Reading - Is it worth the blame?

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and for a non-reader, that is really saying something. I even plan on rereading this book while vacationing in Daytona after graduation. I loved the story that was told about handing out the blame, and how Zander realized that it could only divide the group. The purpose of making beautiful music, is being able to work cooperatively with each other to create memories. Each performance happens that one time. It is only within that moment that the opportunity for that performance of a particular piece of music can exist. I have found that the field of education is very guilty of using reward and punishment as a means of accountability. If you don’t show for a concert, or turn in a piece of homework, then your grade suffers. Is that really creating motivation?

The analogy of the bus not liking my suggestions or following my advice, can reapply to classroom situation so easily. Let’s think of them, rather than me. Why should I allow myself to lay down or create unnecessary boundaries. Shouldn’t we come together as one? What can I do to help in the cohesiveness of our group? Can I do something differently? Is it me that is holding back the progression of things? Shouldn’t’ I be working on my relationship with my students and my encounters rather than setting unnecessary boundaries.? These are tremendous questions that have popped into my head over the past month. I think I am ready to reread to better absorb, and open myself and my teaching up more to the world in which I exist, rather than the world in which I think I should exist.

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