Monday, May 3, 2010

Wk 1 Comment Post #2

Having the blessed opportunity to have the “lunchbox” package here at FullSail, I have been able to introduce new and exciting presentations for my classes. I have learned how to create web videos whether uploaded to youtube or sites such as viddler that my students could explore that may have missed a day, need extra help on an assignment, or just to refresh their understanding. This has opened doors that I really was not aware could be open. Our school was lucky, the order for new equipment went in before the budget went south. Starting with the class of 2008, we were equipped with an LCD projector, doc cams, and surround sound!!! I am so excited that once my degree is done I could spend much more time of incorporating the tools and strategies I have learned and infusing them into my 21st century classroom!

  • This is an area that I hope to increase. Preparing back up videos that students can view via viddler for missed class sessions is going to be a major priority for me in the next school year. I really like the idea of having material available for students to work on at their convenience.

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